
Give the Balloon Boy Hoaxers a Fucking Medal

Good job, you fucking assholes, you really got us good with your little "oh no my six year old son some how managed to get inside of a weather balloon we have for some reason and take off in it!" routine. Bet you guys weren't counting on your son telling reporters that he "thought we were doing this for the T.V. show" when asked why he didn't come out of hiding when called. Lets see you act your way out of that one, thespians. (the couple met in acting school) I'm very angry about this whole turn of events because when it all started I had bet my friend 20 bucks that the kid was in the balloon.
I'm just surprised Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson didn't inject themselves into this media frenzy, as they do with every media frenzy about a white person. "If this had been a black boy from south Harlem trapped in weather balloon, America wouldn't be hearing anything of this" Which reminds me, I saw early this morning that Don Imus (The Nappy Headed Hoe guy) is back on television. 5 dollars to whoever correctly guesses which news network.
But anyway back to the hoaxers. Its been uncovered that these two people did this so they could some how have their own reality show in the future. It could be like John and Kate Plus 8 except that there's no conceivable reason for these people to have a reality show. I can't really think of a suitable title except for I Was Famous For Two Hours Because My Son Was Thought To Trapped in a Weather Balloon So I Get My Own Show. Doesn't really roll of the tongue does it?
Even though authorities claim that this was the work of the two parents, I am quite certain I know who is behind this. Trucker Hat connoisseur Ashton Kutcher.


Fucker got us good


  1. there are a lot of people in this world. someone was bound to do something like this at some point. at least now we'll know next time this happens
